Setting Yahoo Messenger di Handphone

If you are the TELKOMSEL Costumer include Kartu As or Simpati, you can setting YM (Yahoo Messenger) in your HP (Handphone) with layanan Telkomsel these. It could used by iM3 user too. Here is the way step by step :

  1. Log-in to YAHOO MOBILE with your YAHOO account commonly,
  2. After that, fill our mobile phone number at web page form, it will appears like "Send a link to my phone"
  3. Wait for a moment, the confirmation will sent to your handphone,
  4. Try it by sending a message to your handphone with Yahoo Messenger at your PC or Laptop
  5. If it works, you have well done, your YM ID with your message will sent and appears to your Handphone...Congratulations!!!
  6. Have fun... :)


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